Sunday, August 6, 2017

Day 10: Jungle Train, Ferry to Prehentian Islands

Today started at 330 am with a short walk to the Jerantut train station for the 4 am "Jungle Train" headed to Kota Bharu in Northeast Malaysia. The train took us through many small villages and jungle wilderness so dense it was as if we were passing through a green tunnel. We exited the train a few stops early at Tanah Merah just before noon and took a taxi an hour East to Kuala Besut. From there it was a 45 minute bumpy boat ride in the drizzling rain. What awaited us was an island paradise with clear blue water like I've never seen. We unpacked and grabbed some snorkels from our hotel to check out the water. To our surprise we soon discovered that the water just footsteps from our hotel was full of life. Corals, sea cucumbers, anemones, clown fish, angel fish, and plenty of fish my older brother could almost certainly name were right in front of us. We shared a huge diner of prawns, calamari, sliced beef, and chicken satay and slept well knowing we start our Scuba lessons tomorrow

Waiting at the Jerantut train station. 

Cruising on the Jungle Train. 

Arrival at Alunan Resort. 

View from our hotel room.

 Delicious food at our resort.

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